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Multi-ending adventure game on suicide prevention

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30일 is an intriguing multi-ending story adventure game centered on the theme of suicide prevention. As you begin the app, a death certificate appears announcing the imminent death of ‘Choi Seol-ah’ in 30 days. You assume the role of the secretary at the Royal Gosiwon, where Seol-ah resides, with a mission to uncover clues and make decisions that could alter the course of events leading to Seol-ah’s death. The primary objective is to navigate through the narrative, making impactful choices that can ultimately save Seol-ah’s life.

Engaging Storyline and Characters

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You will encounter diverse characters such as Park Yu-na, the diligent secretary; Yoo Ji-eun, known for her sharp tongue; Lee Hyeon-woo, with his self-centered attitude; and Lim Su-ah, a nurse who recently moved into the residence. Each interaction provides valuable insights and pivotal moments that shape the storyline. By participating in daily activities and dialogues, you will aim to prevent Seol-ah's unfortunate fate.

Immersive Gameplay Experience

Set within the realistic confines of the Royal Gosiwon, 30일 immerses users in the multifaceted day-to-day experiences of its occupants. The app portrays a highly detailed environment, featuring common occurrences such as inter-floor noise disturbances and resident disputes. The attention to detail amplifies the sense of urgency and connection with the storyline, crafting a profound and impactful gaming experience.

Multiple Endings and Interactive Features

30일 boasts 16 different endings, each influenced by the numerous choices made over the 30 days of gameplay. These varying outcomes underscore the importance of every decision, no matter how trivial it may seem. Moreover, the app integrates unique mobile phone functions like a 'To-Do List’ and 'Messenger,’ adding another layer of interaction and realism to the story progression.

30일 offers a compelling narrative coupled with a realistic setting and critical decision-making moments. Each choice you make could significantly impact the storyline, providing a unique and engaging experience aimed at highlighting the importance of mental health and suicide prevention.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by THE BRICKS GAMES.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 7.0 or higher required

Information about 30일 1.4.08a

Package Name com.TheBricks.ThirtyDays
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Action/Adventure
Language English
45 more
Downloads 8
Date Sep 4, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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Older versions

apk 1.4.06a Android + 7.0 Sep 3, 2024

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